Tuesday, April 30, 2013

29 Weeks

A few weeks ago, my mom mentioned paying for me to have a 4D ultrasound as a gift and I jumped on the chance!  As my pregnancy has progressed well, my doctor told me at my last appointment that I wouldn't have another ultrasound.  I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to get to see Jackson one last time before his arrival.  My 4D ultrasound appointment was this afternoon and we filled the room with family.  My mom and dad, Eric's parents, Eric, and I were all excited to get to see Jackson.  He wasn't super cooperative and, due to his head being down, there wasn't an abundance of amniotic fluid to make the pictures super clear.  However, we were lucky enough to get to see his sweet face and watch him open and close his mouth.  We listened to his heart beat and were able to confirm that he is indeed a boy! :)  Here is one of the pictures taken where it looks like he is smiling (yes, we are hoping the Porky the Pig resemblence disappears once his is born lol!).

29 Weeks
How far along: 29 weeks and 6 days
Baby's size: a tad over 15 inches long and weighs about two and a half pounds
Maternity clothes: I’ve managed to keep wearing my jeans with the help of a rubber band, but have switched mostly to maternity tops.  I picked up a few summer maternity items this past weekend and am hoping I can make do with what I’ve bought for the next 10 weeks. 
I figure by the end, I’ll be wearing nothing but shorts and t-shirts anyway!
Sleep: I’m still sleeping fairly well.  Some nights I have a little bit more trouble with getting comfortable.  I’m getting up more often to use the bathroom, but, luckily,
I usually fall back to sleep pretty quickly.
 Best moment of the week: Getting to go with Eric and our
families to see Jackson today! 
Movement: He is still pretty active.  Lately, I’ve noticed more of a routine with periods of activity and periods of rest.  I’m praying he follows this pattern after birth because he is more active in the morning, afternoon, and right before I go to bed. 
 I figure I’m not that lucky though! J
Food cravings: I honestly don’t know that I’ve been having food cravings lately.  Every once in a while, I’ll want something sweet, but don’t crave anything in particular.
Symptoms: I still battle acid reflux/indigestion regularly, but luckily Tums will knock it out pretty easily.  I’ve noticed I’m getting short of breath easier than before, which I attribute to my short torso and his getting bigger.  I’ve also noticed I get tired more easily, especially on days Eric and I are really busy.
Looking forward to: Eric’s parents, Eric, and I leave for the beach next week! 
I can’t wait for this vacation!!!

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