Tuesday, April 16, 2013

27 Weeks

As always, the past few weeks have been busy and weekends continue to go by WAY too fast!  Weekend before last,  I started working on my registries and bought a bookshelf for Jackson's room.  That Sunday, Eric and I got it put together and I started filling it with children's books I already had and books that my mom and Shirley have been bought for Jackson.  As I love to read, it was exciting to get all of the books on the shelves.  I can't wait to read them to Jackson!  I'm keeping an eye out for some picture frames and toy storage bins to fill in the some of the remaining shelves.  I absolutely love how everything is coming together!  Last Friday night, Eric and I took a break from all the craziness and went on a date night to Bravo.   The food was awesome, as always, and we had wonderful time!  Saturday consisted of a vet appointment for Zoe and a birthday party for our friends' son.  In looking over our schedules for the next two months, we have something planned every weekend, between a childbirth class, showers, maternity pictures, vacations, and our anniversary.  Jackson will be here before we know it!

How far along: 27 weeks and 6 days
Baby's size: about 14 1/2 inches long and weighs almost two pounds
Maternity clothes: I’ve reached the point where I’m going to have to pick up a few more maternity items.  My jeans are starting to get a little uncomfortable, even with my handy rubber band.  Luckily, the weather has been warmer and I’m able to wear more dresses, which give my ever growing belly much needed room.
Sleep: Over the past few weeks, I’ve quickly come to realize that if I will work out, even 30 minutes a day, I sleep very well.  On the days I don’t fit a workout in, I sleep like crap and am fairly unpleasant to be around.  Therefore, I’m making my almost daily treks to the gym in order to get good sleep, saving my husband and family from a very cranky pregnant woman.
Best moment of the week:  Getting to take a break from the craziness of our lives and going on a date night with my sweet husband.
Movement: He is still very active.  Just this past week, I’ve reached the point where
you can watch my stomach and see him moving around.  It cracks me up to suddenly
see what appears to be a growth on the side of my stomach, but is actually him pushing
a limb or his head/butt outward.
Food cravings: I’m still eating my fair share of cereal, although I don’t know that cereal specifically is my craving.  I’ve moved on to wanting something sweet most evenings, which I usually satisfy by eating a bowl of cereal.
Symptoms: I still battle acid reflux/indigestion regularly, but luckily Tums will knock it out pretty easily.  Also, as Jackson is getting bigger, he has started “growing” into my ribcage (he’s partial to the right side).  With having such a short torso, I imagine this will only get more uncomfortable. J
Looking forward to:  My mom and grandma are tentatively planning to come down this weekend so we can work on the curtains and throw pillows for Jackson’s room.   Hopefully everything works out and they are able to make it! 

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