Monday, July 14, 2014

Months 10 & 11

I am sooo far behind with blog updates on Jackson!  It's hard to believe how fast time goes by these days.  I honestly feel like I posted his 9 month update just a few weeks ago when in reality it was almost 2 1/2 months ago!  Even though Jackson turned 1 last week, I want to do a quick update on months 10 & 11.  They were so fun and eventful that I feel like they need their own post.

We started month 10 with Jackson getting tubes.  He did wonderful with the whole process!  He was a little irritable and just kind of "off" for about two weeks after the procedure, but has done awesome since then!  There have been two occasions where we've noticed some drainage and immediately began antibiotic ear drops, but in both cases, the drainage stopped within just a few days.  This is a huge improvement for our little man!

We fully embraced solid foods this month.  Jackson is doing so good with this transition and will eat pretty much anything you put in front of him!  His daycare teachers have commented on how good of an eater he is and we are hoping this doesn't change.

For Memorial Day weekend, my parents camped at the White River and Jackson and I decided to join them since Eric had plans to go to Riverfest.  It was Jackson's first full on camping experience.  He did soooo good!!  Although we had to spend some of our time playing in the camper due to the heat, Jackson had plenty of opportunities to swim in his pool, play on the playground, and take long walks.

Zoe had to catch a ride!

Jackson ended month 10 with his 2nd haircut.  Unfortunately, this haircut didn't go as smoothly as the first and, therefore, no pictures! Haha!!  Jackson caught a little virus the last week of May and didn't feel great at his appointment.  He did NOT want the stylist messing with his hair, which resulted in a pretty chopped haircut.  Thankfully, Jackson's hair grows crazy fast so he will be good as new within a few weeks.  :)

Month 11 started with Jackson's first trip to the beach!  That trip will be getting a blog post of it's own!  

We celebrated Eric's first Father's Day this June.  We went to Eric's parent's house for lunch to celebrate with Eric's brother and dad and then went home to relax.  We actually came back from the beach the day before Father's Day so we spent most of the day recuperating before going back to work on Monday.

Look at these handsome guys!

Our boy LOVES to be outside!  He will have a full on meltdown if the door opens and he doesn't get to go out.  We bought him a swimming pool and he spends a lot of time in it whether it is full of water or not. 

Jackson had his first dentist appointment towards the end of June.  Eric and I both went to this appointment and weren't sure what to expect.  A dental hygienist brushed Jackson's teeth and then the dentist did an exam.  They said his teeth looked great (all 6 of them)! :)  The dentist explained that his two lower lateral incisors and one year molars were close to the surface and would probably start working their way out very soon.  Jackson did SO good at this appointment and we were very pleased with our new dentist's office!

Here are a few more pictures of our sweet boy at 11 months.  :)

Here are some stats for months 10 & 11:

- I really have no idea where Jackson is on weight and height!  He has an appointment for his one year checkup this week so we will have some new measurements then.  I'm anxious to see how much he has grown!

- Jackson is still wearing size 4 diapers, but graduated to 12 month clothing about halfway through month 10.

- Jackson wasn't much of a fan of a sippy cup and continued to drink four bottles a day during months 10 and 11.  Since starting solid foods, he became less hungry for formula so his bottles decreased to 5-6 ounces per bottle during these months.  As I mentioned earlier, he is loving solid foods!  I honestly can't name anything that he has absolutely refused to eat.

- Since getting tubes, Jackson has become a wonderful sleeper!  He is usually in bed between 7:30-8 pm and we have to wake him up to get ready for daycare at 7 am.   On the weekends, he will sleep until closer to 8.  Although he will occasionally take morning naps on the weekends, he typically only takes one long afternoon nap at daycare during the week.  

- Jackson started having lots of issues with his allergies during month 10 so we switched him from Zyrtec to Claritin, which has seemed to do the trick!  We stopped Jackson's Prevacid during month 10 and, after about a two week transition period, he's done great!  I'm so glad he's outgrown the acid reflux.

- Jackson has become so much fun!   He talks all the time, saying "dada," "ball," "uh oh," "wow," and "dog" to name a few. :)  He plays so well and is very independent.  He becomes very frustrated when he can't accomplish a task on his own and  rarely wants our help/intervention (I have NO idea where he gets that from...).  He is also one persistent little man!  If he becomes focused on doing something or getting something he wants, it is almost impossible to deter him!  

- Likes:  Jackson loves the water, whether it be in a pool or the bathtub.  He is becoming more and more daring with the water, splashing it in his face and even putting his face in the water.  He loves being outside and has, thankfully, outgrown his fear of the grass.  He still loves playing with balls.  Give him a ball and he will throw or kick it forever.  

- Dislikes:  Jackson is one impatient little guy!  He hates having to wait on anything, including food, having his diaper changed, getting to go outside, etc. :)  We are going to have to work on teaching this little man some patience!

Well, I said this would be a quick update, but it is hardly that!  :)  It has made me a little sad to recap these two months because they seriously went by in the blink of an eye!   Eric and I treasure all of these precious memories with our boy.  

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