Monday, September 16, 2013

2 Months

Jackson turned 2 months old on Friday, September 6th!  This date also marked the end of my first week back to work, which wasn't as awful as I was afraid it would be.  Although I would have much rather been home loving on my sweet boy, knowing he was at home with his grandma Shirley (as well as getting to go home and love on him during lunch) made the transition back MUCH easier!  I'm so thankful for her willingness to watch him for the first two weeks after I went back to work.  Dropping him off at daycare this morning...well that is a completely different story!!  Let's just say, I'm hoping this new transition gets easier for Eric, Jackson, and I.  :)  Here are Jackson's 2 month highlights!!

Such a big boy!



- At his two month checkup last Thursday, Jackson weighed 13 pounds 9.6 ounces (84th percentile), was 24.5 inches long (91st percentile), and his head circumference was 16 inches (61st percentile).  It is so hard to believe he has gained almost 6 pounds and grown 4 inches in two months!  He is such a big boy!  While at the doctor, Jackson got his two month immunizations, which were awful!  Probably more so for his mama than for him…  J  He was a little fussy and ran a fever that evening and was more tired than usual on Friday.  Luckily, he was back to his normal, happy self on Saturday. 
- I have about ten size 1 diapers left and then we will be moving Jackson up to size 2.  Although he can still fit into a few of his 0-3 month outfits, he is mostly wearing 3 month outfits, mainly due to his length.
- Jackson is eating 4 ounces of formula (Alimentum) with 2 teaspoons of rice cereal every 3 to 3 ½ hours during the day and every 5-6 hours at night.  Jackson is still fighting naps during the day, but is sleeping amazingly well at night!  He usually gets a bottle between 8:00-8:30 pm and immediately goes to bed.  He wakes up sometime between 1:30-3 am for a bottle and will go right back to sleep.   Although there have been a few mornings where he has slept until 6, he usually gets up for the day between 5:00-5:30. 
 - It’s amazing how much Jackson has grown and changed since my last blog (just two weeks ago!!).  His colic has greatly reduced and he has become a much happier baby.  Don’t get me wrong!  He can still be fussy and have some downright cranky moments, but overall he is doing SO much better.  He is much more content and smiles often.  While in town this weekend to help my sister and brother-in-law move, my dad was able to get Jackson to outright laugh.  It was the sweetest sound ever!  On Saturday, we helped Hayley and Dunn get moved into their new house.  Even though it was a long day and Jackson was moved back and forth between their apartment, their new house, the car, and stores, he maintained a good mood and just chilled!

- We are still having some trouble with his acid reflux.  Due to insurance requirements, we are only able to get his medicine (Prevacid) if it is compounded.  Due to being compounded, the medicine doesn’t maintain it’s effectiveness, decreasing throughout the month.  This causes his symptoms to decrease at the beginning of the month and then become worse as the month passes.  We are praying he outgrows these issues as he gets older.  At his appointment last week, his doctor said she plans to try taking him off the medicine when he turns 6 months old.
- Over the past two weeks, Jackson’s ability to focus has continued to develop.  He has really started watching our faces when we hold and talk to him and will mimic some of our actions, such as smiling when we smile or laugh at him.  He is still obsessed with staring at artwork we have hanging on the walls, no matter what room he is in.  His ability to grip objects is also continuing to developing.  He still grabs our clothes, including my necklaces, and has recently discovered my hair.  He has started holding on to his Wubbanub and LOVES holding on to blankets laid against the side of his face when napping.  Although he will tentatively hold on to toys that are put next to him, he hasn’t started actively reaching for and grabbing them.  Jackson has suddenly decided he doesn’t care for tummy time, but we are working through that. J  Jackson has become more “talkative” over the past two weeks.  He has discovered his tongue and it’s hilarious watching him stick is tongue in and out and move it around trying to make noises.  Also, except for occasional bobbing, Jackson is doing extremely well with holding his head up.
- Likes:  Jackson still loves his stroller and riding in the car.  He still loves taking baths and is content to lay in the water for as long as we will let him.  Jackson LOVES being outside.  I’m really hoping we are able to spend a lot of time outdoors this fall.  He is growing slightly more attached to his paci.  Although he only wants it when tired or fussy, he has stopped getting mad and spitting it out when given to him.  Jackson has also recently developed a love for music.  When he is upset or fussy, he will usually calm down if I turn music on.  We try and do at least a little music time with him every day because we love watching him smile, move his arms, and kick his legs while we listen to music and sing. 
- Dislikes:  Although Jackson is doing better with diaper changes during the day, he hates having his diaper changed during the night.  Also, he is doing a little better with lotion, but still becomes fussy unless I’m able to distract him.  Jackson remains very impatient when hungry.  When he decides he wants a bottle, it is only a short amount of time before he gets very angry. J
It is amazing to watch this sweet little boy grow and learn and we can’t wait to see what the coming months hold!

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