Wednesday, October 23, 2013

3 Months

Again, I'm behind on blogging Jackson's monthly stats!!  Time just seems to always be getting away from me…imagine that!  While at the Race for the Cure this weekend, I had an older woman stop and talk to me before the race started (this is a common occurrence when I have Jackson with me…luckily, strangers refrain from stopping and talking to me when I’m by myself J).  Anyway, back on track, during our conversation, she strongly encouraged me to enjoy every minute with Jackson because I’ll “blink four times and he will be 42.”  All joking aside, this seems to be true!  Jackson turned 3 months old on Sunday, October 6th, and in two short weeks, it will be time for his four month stats!

The last month and a half since my last post have been crazy!  We seem to have something planned every weekend.  Eric and I went to Dallas the last weekend in September for an Imagine Dragons concert.  It was our first night away from Jackson!  It wasn’t as hard as I was afraid it would be, probably because I knew he was in good hands at our house with my parents.  Eric, Jackson, and I went to a birthday party for our friends’ daughter the first weekend in October and went home to visit my parents the second weekend.  Last weekend, Jackson and I walked in the Race for the Cure (he did sooo good!) and then Eric, Jackson, and I went to my sister and brother-in-law’s for a housewarming party.  As the holidays approach, I know our calendars will just get more and more crowded!

Jackson has grown and changed so much over the last month and a half!  Here are his 3 month stats followed by a ton of adorable pictures!  Haha! J

- At a doctor’s appointment last week, Jackson weighed 14 lbs 14.2 ounces.  We won’t have official length measurements until his 4 month checkup, but I know he is getting taller too!  I put him in his Baby Bjorn carrier while grocery shopping last night and quickly realized that I won’t be able to use it much longer...

- Not surprisingly, Jackson has battled a few different illnesses since starting daycare.  I keep telling myself his immune system will be at Hulk strength by the time he is a year old! J  After his first week, he came down with a minor stomach virus, but with a little Pedialyte, we were able to nurse him back to health fairly quickly.  Shortly after this, I began having trouble getting him to eat and he wasn’t sleeping well at night.  I knew something just wasn’t right, but couldn’t figure out what because he wasn’t running a fever or even all that fussy.  After a few days of him being “off,” I took him to the doctor and he had an ear infection.  A round of antibiotics knocked that out.  Last Monday when I dropped him off at daycare, I noticed he was warm.  I had them take his temperature before leaving (I thought I would prevent being called back later) and he did have a low-grade fever.  When his fever continued to go up, we went back to the doctor for another appointment.  He had some cloudiness on his chest X-ray so she prescribed him a strong antibiotic to avoid pneumonia.  I feel like he caught some type of virus because the antibiotics didn’t help much and he kept a fairly high fever for most of last week.  Luckily, the fever broke and we are only left a with a lingering cough.  It is so hard to see that sweet boy not feeling good and be completely unable to make it better!  Again, I just keep reminding myself he will have an amazing immune system…hopefully soon!

- Jackson is wearing size 2 diapers.  He has completely outgrown his 0-3 month clothes and several of his 3 month outfits are getting too small, mostly due to length.  Depending on the brand, he is still able to wear a few 3 month outfits, but is mostly wearing 3-6 months.  Last week, I packed up another tote full of clothes he has outgrown.  Makes me sad!

- Just this week, I’ve increased Jackson’s bottles to 5 ounces of formula (Alimentum) with 2 teaspoons of rice cereal.  With Jackson’s acid reflux (he still gets Prevacid every night), we haven’t been able to give him a lot at one time because he will just spit it up.  He is still eating every 3 to 3 ½ hours during the day and every 5-6 hours at night.  In the last few weeks, he’s seemed hungrier in the evenings and isn’t satisfied with a bottle, so we started giving him a little bit of cereal with a spoon.  He took to it like a champ!  He is still going down at night around 8:30 and gets up once during the night for a bottle.  Afterwards, he goes right back to sleep and wakes up around 5:30.  He is still in his Pack N Play in our room.  We are planning on transitioning him to his crib in the next few weeks.

- Jackson continues to be a much happier baby.  Bye bye, colic!!  He smiles a lot and has been laughing out loud…most precious sound EVER!  He likes to be held (thanks grandparents!) and tends to get a little fussy if he isn’t, particularly after spending time with said grandparents. J  He is very content and likes to watch everything around him.  It’s amazing how much more aware he is of his surroundings.  He is always taking everything in!  He recognizes Eric and I and will begin looking around when he hears our voices.  When I pick him up from daycare, he looks at me and smiles so big.  Melts my heart!  He has really become interested in his toys.  He will reach for them and hold them in his hand once he’s managed to grab them.  When laying on his play mat, he swings at, grabs, and shakes the hanging toys.  Since he’s pretty much mastered neck control, we’ve been putting him in his jumperoo.  Although he can’t touch the ground, he loves playing with the toys around him.  He has also become very interested in TV.  When he’s on his mat, in his jumperoo, or in his swing, he will turn his head and try to catch a glimpse of the TV.  When he’s able to see it, he focuses right in…just like a man! J  Jackson is doing much better with tummy time and can roll from stomach to back.  He continues to be very talkative and loves making noises.  We’ve just started working with him on sitting up.

- Likes:  Jackson still loves his stroller and riding in the car.  He still loves taking baths and has starting kicking his legs and squirming around once we put him in his tub.  Jackson LOVES being outside.  He loves music, being held and talked to, and playing in his jumperoo.  Also, oddly enough, Jackson loves laying on his changing pad. Haha!  Anytime we lay him on it, before diaper changes or after his bath, he starts smiling, looking around, kicking, squirming, and laughing…it’s the strangest thing ever!

- Dislikes: I can honestly say, there aren’t many dislikes I can come up with!  Jackson still hates diaper changes during the night and we’ve discovered he really dislikes being startled. 
It is so precious to see Jackson grow and change and I am looking forward to watching him continue to learn and develop!!

Look at that ornery face! Pure trouble!

Ready for the Race for the Cure!

So serious...
Practicing sitting up!


1 comment:

  1. He is incredibly cute! The older lady was right about blinking. I blinked and mine are now 9 and 6. I don't know it happened really.
