Sunday, August 18, 2013

6 Weeks

It was my goal to post monthly stats for Jackson, but with all of the craziness, I missed the one month mark!  I'll start with his stats at 6 weeks and hopefully get back on track when he turns two months old! 

- At his doctor's appointment last week, Jackson weighed 10 pounds 12.7 ounces, which is almost a three pound weight gain since his birth!  They didn't measure him as they were checking his weight to make sure he is still gaining as he was still having lots of issues with his acid reflux, but he seems to be getting longer/taller every day.  As I mentioned in my previous post, it's so hard to believe how much he seems to grow each day. 

- Jackson is wearing size 1 diapers, but he has been waking up for feedings during the night with leaky diapers, so we may be moving a bigger size at night very soon.  He has outgrown most of his newborn onesies and clothes and is now wearing mostly size 0-3 months. L

- Jackson is eating approximately 3 1/2 ounces of formula (Alimentum) with 2 teaspoons of rice cereal every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day and every 3 1/2 to 4 hours at night.  In regards to sleep, Jackson is notorious for fighting sleep during the day.  It is usually a struggle to get him down for naps.  However, luckily, we have developed a good nighttime routine!  Between 7:30-8:00p, I will give him a bath and then get him changed and swaddled.  By the time we are done with this, he is ready for a bottle.  After his bottle, I put him in bed; he still in his Pack N Play in our room right now.  Sometimes he will go to sleep right away and sometimes he will lay in bed and look around for a while before falling asleep.  Either way, he usually goes to sleep on his own.  Even on the nights he fusses a little, he usually only needs his paci to calm down and fall asleep.  He typically wakes up between 12-1a and 4-5a for bottles.  For the past week and a half, he has been falling asleep right away after the 12-1a feeding and will stay sleep until his next feeding.  However, he usually wants to stay awake after the 4-5a bottle, which is a struggle for this mama! J

- Jackson is still a pretty colicky baby, but seems to do a little better every day.  He usually has a pretty fussy period after waking for the day (usually between 5-6a - again, a struggle for this mama!) and then just randomly throughout the day.  Thankfully, these periods are decreasing!  For the most part, he is now able to be consoled when upset, whereas before there was no calming him!  Oddly enough (and thankfully!), he does really well when we are out of the house, whether we are at the park, shopping, or just taking a walk through the neighborhood.

- Last week, we were still having trouble with Jackson's acid reflux so we went back to his doctor for a checkup.  His doctor decided to switch him from Zantac to Prevacid, which we feel has made a big difference.  He is spitting up much less and isn't screaming after eating.  The doctor told us she feels his acid reflux will be less of an issue once he is able to sit up and becomes more mobile and we are praying this is so!

- Over the past two weeks, Jackson has started focusing on our faces when we are holding him or talking to him, which is awesome!  In general, we've noticed his focus sharpening, as he has become very intent on watching the mobile on his swing, staring at pictures on the wall, looking at the toys hanging from his play mat, and watching items throughout the house/while outside.  Jackson has started gripping on to our clothes when we hold him.  When I go to set him down, he really latches on and refuses to let go!  Just this week, he has started reaching for the toys on his play mat and the bears hanging from the mobile on his swing.  When I put him on his play mat, I usually position him so that when he kicks, he will hit a noisy toy.  It's hilarious to watch him kick the toy over and over.  Jackson's neck strength is also improving daily.  When on his tummy, he will hold his head up and look around for longer periods of time.  This week, Jackson has also started "talking."  Usually while playing or being held, Jackson will coo along with making other noises.  I love watching these skills develop and can't wait to see what the coming weeks h0ld!!

- Likes:  As I've mentioned before, Jackson loves being in his stroller and riding in a car.  We hope this continues, especially since my family lives 3 1/2 hours will make trips home much more enjoyable!  Jackson also loves taking baths.  He can be screaming and the minute we put him in his tub, he immediately stops.  He is perfectly content to lay in the tub and look around for a long time!  Jackson LOVES being outside.  When we are on walks, at the park, or even sitting under the back patio, he becomes very calm and looks around.  For the most part, Jackson also enjoys being on his play mat, both on his back and tummy. 

- Dislikes:  Jackson does NOT like having his diaper changed, although he does better during the day than at night.  Jackson also hates when I put lotion on him after bath time.  I haven't figured out why, but the minute I start, the screaming begins!  Jackson is pretty indifferent to his paci.  We are usually only able to get him to take it when he is fighting sleep and fussy.  Otherwise, he usually spits it out or refuses to take it at all, shaking his head back and forth.  Most of all, Jackson HATES having to wait for a bottle.  When he decides he is hungry, he wants his bottle right then! I have no idea where he gets that... J

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