Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's a boy!

We were so excited to learn this week that we are having a little boy!  When we told our family and friends, I think the most common reaction was surprise.  Haha!  Everyone had been so certain that I was having a girl that I think it threw many to learn Baby Moore is a boy.  We are so looking forward to a future of sports, Razorback games, camping, fishing, and many more outdoor activities.  We are now working on finalizing his name, which we hope to announce soon.  Since learning we are having a boy and getting to see him, I'm so ready for this little man to have a name so we can stop calling him Baby Moore!  Last night, I went with a friend to the Rhea Lana sale in North Little Rock and went a little nuts buying clothes (everything was so dang cute!).  Although Eric and I have been picking up items over the past few weeks, they were mostly general baby things rather than anything gender-specific.  It was awesome to be able to start picking out clothes for our baby boy.  I can't wait to see our little guy in them!  I will end this post with my 18 week pregnancy stats and a big thanks to our family and friends for their support.  Eric and I are so very blessed! 

18 Weeks

How far along: 18 weeks and 4 days

Baby's size: a bell pepper - He measured 6 inches from head to bottom and was estimated to be about 9 ounces at our ultrasound.
Maternity clothes: Not yet!

Sleep: A little better.  I still wake up around 2 and it takes me a little while to fall back asleep, but I'm sleeping harder when I do sleep so I can't complain!

Best moment of the week: Eric and I went to our ultrasound this week and
got to spend a lot of time watching and learning about our baby.  It was so amazing! 
We loved finding out we are having a boy and getting to see each part
of his little body from his feet to his head.   

Movement: I have finally, without a doubt, felt him move.  He has
been pretty active over the past few days.
Food cravings:  I really haven't had any specific food cravings lately.

Symptoms: Other than the continued occasional acid reflux/heartburn and round ligament pains, I feel really good!  I've been very blessed.

Looking forward to:  Now that we know we are having a boy, we can get started on his nursery.  We have an idea of how we want it to be decorated and can't wait to get started on painting the bedroom and buying furniture and decor.

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