Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Name Reveal!

When trying to decide on a name for Baby Moore, we really wanted it to mean something to us.  As this baby will be the first grandson for both of our parents (first grandbaby for my parents!), we decided to name him after the two most important men in our lives, Eric's dad, Jack, and my dad, Mike.  Therefore, Baby Moore is officially Jackson Michael.  We tossed around several different family names, but none of the names we came up with meant as much to us as these two.  I'm sure we will shorten Jackson in some way after he is born, but we will have to wait and see which nickname fits him best!  We are excited for him to finally have a name!

As for a nursery update, we finally got the room all painted!  I was able to find the exact color I wanted and we were able to finish it up last night.   Below are some pictures of the finished product!  The colors we will be using in the bedding and decor are green, aqua, and orange.  This week, I took some prints I ordered from Etsy to Hobby Lobby to get mats cut and frames bought.  I put them together and am really pleased with how they turned out.  Below, I also included a picture of one of the framed prints with a lamp I picked up last weekend.  This weekend, we plan on painting the dresser and getting the crib put together.  I received a notice that the bedding shipped this week and should be here tomorrow!  I'm so excited that it shipped so it will be here for us to put in the crib once it is together.  I can't wait to see how it looks!


Monday, March 18, 2013

23 Weeks

This past weekend, my sister, brother-in-law, Eric, and I went to Dallas.  It was one of the few mini-vacations we have planned before Baby Moore gets here with the next two being a beach trip at the beginning of May and camping Memorial Day weekend.  We had a blast and weren't quite ready to come home!  We ate tons of good food and shopped more than Eric and Dunn wanted, I'm sure. :)  I finally bought some maternity tops and a pair of maternity leggings, which I must say are very unattractive but amazingly comfortable!  Here are some pictures of us at breakfast Saturday morning.

Friday before leaving, I got the bedding for Baby Moore's crib ordered.  We still haven't painted the nursery yet because I'm having some trouble finding the color I want.  We are hoping to get it painted over the next two weeks because my parents are coming down Easter weekend and we would like to get the crib put together while they are here.  I also ordered fabric for throw pillows and curtains my mom and grandma plan to make.  I love getting everything bought/ordered and can't wait to put it all together!

23 Weeks


How far along: 23 weeks and 6 days
Baby's size: about 6 inches long (length of a green onion) and
weighs around a pound (weight of a large mango)
Maternity clothes: I finally picked up a few shirts and a pair of maternity
leggings while in Dallas.
Sleep: My sleep is very inconsistent.  Some nights, I sleep great,
but other nights, I don’t do so well.  Luckily, I'm getting enough good nights of
sleep to keep my energy up. 
Best moment of the week: Going to Dallas and getting the baby bedding and fabric ordered!
Movement: He is still pretty active.  I usually feel him more in the morning, but will feel random kicks/movement throughout the remainder of the day.
Food cravings: Cereal, cereal, and cereal.  I’m buying several boxes a week
when I get groceries because I can’t decide which one I want the most.  However, I’ve
done a pretty decent job of limiting myself to two servings a day, one in the
morning and one for “dessert” after dinner.   Trust me, it has been hard!
Symptoms: I really don’t have any symptoms to report.   I’ve been very blessed
with feeling good throughout my pregnancy!
Looking forward to: I can’t wait to get the bedroom painted so we can start putting it all together!