Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wye Mountain

Yesterday, we decided to take advantage of the pretty day and headed to Wye Mountain to see the daffodils.  It was windy and somewhat cooler that we expected once we got there, but we had a wonderful time walking around and looking at the beautiful flowers!  Jackson wasn't so sure about having to sit on the ground with the flowers and started fussing pretty quickly.  However, he was happy to take pictures as long as he was being held, of course! :)

My wild haired boy!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Catch up! Months 6-8

I'm WAY over due for an update on this blog!  I can't believe I haven't posted any highlights since Jackson was 5 months old.  Although, honestly, it doesn't seem like it has been that long since I posted an update.  The last two months have been so much fun!  Jackson has reached a point where it seems like he literally learns something new every day.  It is sooo incredible to watch.  When reading over my last blog post, it made me a little sad to see how much he has changed in this seemingly short time.  While I wish time would go just a little bit slower and my boy wouldn't get so big so fast, I can't wait to see what the coming months hold.  I'll apologize in advance...this will probably be a ridiculously long post.  Here are some pictures and highlights from the last two months.  :)

6 Month Pictures

Jackson at his 6 month checkup (look at those rolls!).  He did so good with his shots on this visit!  Although he started screaming as soon as he was given the first one, he stopped almost as soon as the nurse let him go.  I'm so glad we won't have to deal with any more shots until his one year checkup!

Shortly after Jackson turned 6 months, we bought him a new bathtub.  I saw this at Target and couldn't resist!  He loved playing in it and was obsessed with the duck head.  Unfortunately, in the last few weeks, he started trying to crawl out of it.  To avoid any accidents, we packed the duck tub away and have graduated to taking a bath in the good ole fashioned bathtub.  He absolutely loves the freedom of being able to crawl and splash around.

Meal time is still one of his favorites!  Look at that attitude! :)

On one unseasonably warm Sunday in January, we decided to go to Pinnacle Mountain for a picnic lunch after church.  We ate and then walked a trail.  Jackson loved touching the trees.

During month 6, Jackson really got the hang of walking around the kitchen in his walker.  He was always trying to chase Zoe or run into her food and water bowls.

7 Month Pictures

One evening, I walked into the kitchen to put something in the sink and when I turned around, there was Jackson!  During month 6, Jackson began getting on his hands and knees and rocking and then quickly proceeding to scooting.  After this picture, Jackson quickly started full-on crawling.  Now, there is no such thing as sitting still!  Eric and I are constantly chasing this little toot!

Shortly after crawling, Jackson started to pull up on EVERYTHING!  He particularly loves this walker, but will pull up on anything he can get his hands on (coffee table, ottoman, chairs, and even door frames!)  Again, he is always on the move!

During month 7, Jackson also cut his first two teeth on the bottom!  They pretty much came in at the same time.  Teething isn't very fun for Jackson...he ran a low fever, drooled constantly, slept poorly, and was just overall fussy for a few days around these teeth coming through.  We have started brushing these two tiny teeth after bathtime so Jackson can get use to it early.  In the last week, as soon as I take him out of the bath and set him on the counter, he opens his mouth before I can even get the toothbrush out.  I love it!

Jackson started clapping at the end of month 6, but this was the first time I was 
able to catch him doing so.  It is so cute, but he, of course, 
only claps when HE wants to!  

Look at that hair!

8 Month Pictures

We went to the zoo for the first time last weekend and, upon arrival, Jackson was initially unimpressed (pictured above :)).  However, once the animals caught his attention, he was much more observant of them that Eric and I thought he would be.  We had such a good day!

Look at those teeth!

Jackson's hair is getting a little out of control!  I foresee a haircut in the coming months.

- I won't have updated weight, length, and head circumference measurements for Jackson until his 9 month checkup but we were at the doctor for a fever virus at the end of February and Jackson weighed 20 lbs 9 oz.  He is getting so heavy!

- Jackson is still in size 3 diapers and I'm still double diapering him at night, which is working perfectly.  He has outgrown all of his 6 month clothes and is almost too big for his 6-9 month outfits.  Mostly, Jackson is wearing 9 month clothes.  It is crazy how much clothing I have already packed away for him.  

- Jackson is drinking four 8 ounce bottles with 4 teaspoons of rice cereal during the day, usually around 8:00 am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm, and 8:00pm.  Over the last few days, these usually feeding times haven't interested Jackson, so we are just going with the flow and feeding him when he is interested!  Shortly after Jackson's 6 month checkup, we tried transitioning him off of Alimentium.  Unfortunately, that didn't go so well so we are back on Alimentum.  Although this forumla is very expensive, I think we will just stick with it until Jackson turns one (only 4 more months!).  Over the last two months, he has tried lots of different fruits and veggies and has loved most of them!  He still is not a fan of green peas so we are putting those away for a little while.  I usually feed him a little fruit for breakfast, he gets a veggie around lunch, and eats cereal and some more veggies around dinner time.  We are holding off on trying any type of dairy (yogurt or cottage cheese) until he is older due to his lactose intolerance.

- Jackson still isn't the best sleeper.  We have a bedtime routine in the evening and he falls asleep quickly.  He just doesn't like to stay asleep. :)  He usually wakes up 1-2 times a night.  Sometimes he goes back to sleep fairly easily, while other times he fusses for a while.  I was a terrible sleeper as a baby so I have a feeling he just came by it naturally!

- Since starting Zyrtec after turning 6 months old, Jackson's congestion and drainage has improved dramatically!  Other than the fever virus at the end of February which lasted about 2 days, Jackson has not been sick or had to go to the doctor.  For those close to us, you know this is huge!   While at the doctor for his virus, the doctor checked his ears and said they were looking pretty good.  She will check them again at his 9 month checkup, but we are praying he will not have to have tubes this spring!

- Overall, Jackson is such a happy baby.  He typically only cries when he is tired, hungry, or not feeling good.  However, over the last two weeks, he has started fussing when I leave the room.  We're hoping this is just a phase of separation anxiety that will pass quickly!  Jackson plays so well.  In the last several weeks, he has actually started playing by himself a lot.  As long as we are in the room, he is content to play with his toys, crawl around and explore, and, of course, get into everything he shouldn't!  He babbles all the time and loves saying "dada."  Although recently, it has sounded more like "dadee." :)  

- One recent development that isn't a favorite of Eric or mine is Jackson's temper.  Again, this is a trait the poor guy comes by naturally (although Eric and I debate frequently who is at fault for this one! ha!).  If Jackson does not want to do something or if he wants something we won't let him have, he will get mad!  We have seen several actual tantrums!  I had a feeling this would be something we would deal with in the future, but had no idea this little guy could throw such a fit.  I'm talking "throw himself backward, swing his arms, kick his feet, and yell" fit!  So far, we've been able to say "no" and distract him, but have a feeling we will be taking another approach as he gets older. :)  Right now, its cute to see all of his 2, it won't be so cute. haha!  He is going to be one strong willed little man.  

- Likes: Bathtime would still be high on this list.  Jackson loves being outside, riding in the car, and mostly playing with us.  Jackson is very ticklish and is easy to make laugh when tickled.  It is so cute!  Jackson has also developed a great love for Zoe's food and water bowls.  It is almost impossible to keep him away from them!  He loves the sound the metal bowl makes when hitting the tile.  

- Dislikes:  Jackson is 8 months old and still HATES having his diaper changed.  I have no idea why!  We give him toys to play with and sing and talk to him in attempt to distract him, but this rarely works!  He typically cries the entire time.  As Jackson has become more mobile, he has begun to dislike anything that requires him to be stationary.  The jumpers that he once loved have become torture devices for him since he can't go anywhere.  Although he loves riding in the car, he will start crying the minute you try to put him in the carseat, only becoming happy once the movement starts.  

Eric and I couldn't love his little guy more and thank God every day for him!!